The Prom Pre-Party
Students of Mooresville High School, get ready for The Prom Pre-Party! MWPImages is the newest, most sought after prom photography team in the Southwest! You may have already driven by our studio in downtown Mooresville multiple times and noticed our beautiful model, Anna, on the door. Well, now is your opportunity to take us for a test drive.
©2016 Mike Washington Photography
We understand prom is a huge event in your high school career and we are here to help you capture that moment. Prom is that one time of year where you get all fancy from head to toe with fabulous hairstyles, flawless makeup, beautiful gowns, and stunning tuxes. Why not allow a certified professional photographer take your fashion magazine quality photo before the big dance? Check out our portfolio!
©2015 Mike Washington Photography
Prom Pre-Party Details
This event is free to all Mooresville High students attending prom and their dates/friends. All you have to do is sign-up, show-up, and have a blast! Make sure you follow us on instagram (@MWPImages) and snapchat (MWPImage) for updates and live posts from the event.
Date: April 29, 2017
Time: 3pm – 6pm
Location: MWPImages Studio (3-1/2 S Indiana St, 46158)
Cost: Free
Come out and be a model for a few minutes or a few hours, then enjoy the rest of your night. Your family is more than welcome to jump in a photo as well.
We will be plastering these images all over Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook for you to share! High Resolution print images will be available for purchase within one week from our online gallery and we will have plenty of scheduled pick up dates from our studio.
This event is not affiliated with Mooresville High School nor any of it’s official prom committee efforts. We just love to take images!
Sign Up Now!
MWPImages Snapchat
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